Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Between a rock and a hard place.

I noticed this pine cone on the way up to my apartment one day. I thought it had fallen in such an unusual spot I had to take pictures. Of course with my lack of knowledge, ability, and equipment (I'm working on all three) I didn't get "the shot" I was looking for, but these are some of the better ones. Click to enlarge.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It reminds me....

This reminds me of the little verse "Alice". It goes like this:

Alice stepped in the bathtub
Slipped on a bar of soap

Oh my goodness!
Bless my soul!
There goes Alice down the hole!

It seems like these little guys are on a mission to fish Alice back out again. At least that's what I tell myself instead of the alternative, which is that my son was just trying to make trouble.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Don't know why

I don't really know why, but there's something about spring that makes me gravitate towards plants. This tree is in the courtyard of our apartment building. I love that the colors are what you'd expect for fall, but in spring! They aren't the best shots, I just had a point and shoot, but they'll do.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ray of Sunshine

This photo inspires me. I looked out our sliding glass door and couldn't help but feel uplifted. The composition seemed so poignant to me. A dark ominous looking future, but there is always a ray of hope somewhere.